Top 6 Session Musicians That Made Music History
Whether they're sweetening an album track, dubbing in the instrumental parts of a rock anthem, or producing sonic genius on demand, studio musicians are an integral part of music history. Despite their vast contributions, many session players remain unsung heroes and rarely get credited for their work on classic albums. One of the most famous examples is the bassist Carol Kaye. During the rock and roll boom of the 1960s, there was an unprecedented need for session musicians to flesh out popular recordings. Unlike earlier eras, where producers often relied on local bands to fill out sessions, most rock and pop artists of the time were solo acts. Record companies preferred hiring skilled professional musicians with various abilities to bring their songs to life in the studio quickly. Hal Blaine was one of history's most accomplished and respected session drummers. He backed up Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Barbra Streisand and many others. He played on dozens of hit...